"The time has come," my husband said, "to clear out many things".
The green and yellow Florentine, the crystal Banded Rings,
The Normandie, the Petalware and all that Fire King.
Every collector has that special place where your prized possessions are kept... that closet where you squirrel away all the treasures you've come across in your travels. When you open the doors, friends step back and marvel at the beauty they see within. All is right with the world... Until that dreaded day when you realize they're stepping back to avoid being hit by something falling out, and as hard as you try, you can't pile one more thing on top of something else. You dream of a closet where there's always room for one more piece...
Welcome to the Glass Cupboard
We specialize in Depression Era glassware, including Akro Agate,
Kitchenware, FireKing, and Elegant glass by many different companies.
Now open the doors and take a peek inside. Oh, and don't worry about anything falling out - we've got plenty of room.